Gökhan ALP
Edebiyat Tarihi Kaynaklarına Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım: Osmanlı Müellifleri ve Tuhfe-i Nâilî Örneği
Ss, 1-21
A Critical Approach to Sources of Literature History: The Writers of Ottoman And the Sample of Tuhfe-i Naili
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2924
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Ömer Arslan
XVI. Yüzyıl Şairlerinden Edirneli Ubeydî’nin Muammaları
Ss, 23-60
The Muamma Poems of Ubeydî of Edirne, one of the XVIth Century Poets
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2925
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Güler Doğan Averbek
Osmanlı Eğitim Sisteminde Ders Kitabı Olarak Manzum Sözlükler (Tuhfeler)
Ss, 61-82
Versified Dictionaries (Tuhfe Genre) As Coursebooks in the Ottoman Education System
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2926
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Yaşar Aydemir
Sânî ve Rodos Şehrengizi
Ss, 83-109
Sani and Shehrengiz of Rhodes
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2927
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Müellifi Bilinmeyen Bir Yûsuf Kıssası ve Husûsiyetleri
Ss, 110-141
A Story of Yusuf, whose Author is Unknown, and Its Peculiarities
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2928
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Tuba Işınsu Durmuş
Divanlarda Kendilerine Sunulan Övgü Şiirleri Üzerinden Osmanlı Sanatına Katkı Sunan Aileler Üzerine Tespitler
Ss, 143-220
Remarks on the Families Contributing to the Ottoman Works of Art on the Basis of the Poems of Praise Presented to Them
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2929
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Classical Turkish Literature and Corpus Linguistics: A Case Study on Darir’s Poems
Ss, 221-234
Klasik Türk Edebiyatı ve Derlembilim: Darîr’in Şiirleri Üzerine Örnek Durum Analizi
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2930
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Sürgünlüğün Hüzünlü Şairi Şâhî’nin (Bayezid) Gazellerine Psikobiyografik Bakış
Ss, 235-260
Psychobiographical Approach to Ghazals of Şahi (Bayezid): A Sorrowfull Poet in Exile
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2931
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Ömer Said Güler
Medine’den Boğaziçi’ne Esen Rüzgâr: Üsküdârî Ahmed Efendi’nin Kasîde-i Bürde Şerhi
Ss, 261-301
The Wind blowing from Medina to Bosphorus: The Commentary (Sharh) of Üsküdari Ahmed Efendi on Qasidat al-Burdah
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2932
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Servet Gündoğdu
Hüsn ü Aşk’ta Edebilik ve Alegori Sorunu
Ss, 303-333
The Problem of Literariness and Allegory in Hüsn ü Aşk
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2933
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Ahmet Kartal
BAYKARA MECLİSİ’NDEN YANSIMALAR -Alî Şîr Nevâî Etrafında Gelişen Olaylar-İlmî ve Edebî Meclisler 6-
Ss, 335-389
REFLECTIONS FROM BAYKARA ASSEMBLY -The Events Developing Around Ali Şîr Nevâî-Scientific and Literary Assemblies 6-
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2934
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Paşasaraylı Fazlî Efendi’nin Manzum Kasîde-i Bürde Tercümesi
Ss, 391-425
Poetic Translation of Qasida al-Burda by Paşasaraylı Fazlî Efendi
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2937
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Mehmet Fatih Köksal
Fütüvvetnâmelere Göre Cerrahlık ve Tabip Şerefeddîn Fütüvvetnâmesi
Ss, 426-447
Surgery According to Fütüvvetname’s And Physician Şerefeddîn’s Fütüvvetnâme
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2938
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Nihat Öztoprak
Mustafa Özkat
Hâfız Cemâlî’nin “Silsile-nâme-i Tarîkat-ı Aliyye-i Uşşâkî” Adlı Muvaşşah Manzumesi
Ss, 448-490
Hafız Cemali’s Muvaşşah (Acrostic) Poem Named “Silsilename-i Tarikat-ı Aliyye-i Uşşaki”
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2940
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Beşeri Aşk Bağlamında Gazel Felsefesini Yeniden Düşünmek
Ss, 491-537
Reconsider Ghazal Philosophy in the Context of Human Love
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2941
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Derya Adalar Subaşı
el-Mütenebbî ve Nef‘î’nin Fahriyelerinde “Ben”in Tezâhürü
Ss, 539-568
The Case of Self in the Fahries of Al-Motenabbi and Nef’i
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2942
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Musa Tozlu
XVI. Yüzyıl Şairi Melâmî Dede ve Yayımlanmamış Gazelleri
Ss, 569-584
XVIth Century Poet Melami Dede and His Unpublished Odes
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2943
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Nesîmî’ye Yakıştırılan Bir Kalıp Söz: Hâzır Bâş
Ss, 585-594
A Phrase Attributed To Nesimi: Hâzır Bâş
Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.15247/dev.2944
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