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Sani and Shehrengiz of Rhodes
Sânî is a Divan poet who lived in the 16th century. He grew up in a janissary and retired from being a civil servant. The poet, who had a voluminous divan, is known as Can Memi. He traveled many places due to his profession, and he crossed paths with many groups. He is a conversationalist person who enjoys pleasure and fun. He has a fluent language. It is understood from his poems that he knew Persian poets and cared about Ali Şîr Nevâyî (dod. 1501). Besides names like Necatî (dod. 1509) and Zatî (dod. 1547), he was also influenced by poets such as Hayalî (dod. 1557) and Nişanî (dod. 1567); He had a friendly competition with many poets such as Emrî (dod. 1575), Bâkî (dod. 1600), Revanî (dod. 1523-24), Makalî (dod. 1584), Atâ (dod. 1552). He died in Istanbul in 995 / 1586-87. Shehrengizs are works that reflect the beauty of the mentioned place, the types of tradesmen and the commercial, political and cultural life of the mentioned place in the written period. Some examples also reflect geographical, historical and environmental information. Sânî's Shehrengiz of Rhodes is one of the examples of this group. Shehrengiz of Rhodes is located at the end of the Divan of Sânî, which currently has only one copy for now. The work, which holds 171 couplets, was written in mesnevi verse form. It reflects the composition of similar reviews. In our article, after a brief information about Sânî and Rhodes, the content and phraseology of Rhodes Shehrengiz as a whole, the beauties of Rhodes and the expressions that will shed light on the history will be included. Subsequently, the full transcription of Rhodes Shehrengiz will be shared with the reader.

Sânî, Rhodes, Shehrengiz of Rhodes.

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