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A Critical Approach to Sources of Literature History: The Writers of Ottoman And the Sample of Tuhfe-i Naili
the Ottoman Empire, with the institutionalization of historical awareness, historians became an institutional structure. To record only the past political, military, financial, etc. A variety of works have been written in the fields of science, culture, art and literature. Autobiographical works in which bureaucrats in state institutions were gathered, celebrities in certain cities, mystics, poets, scholars and music masters, became an indispensable element in the research of the history of literature. Although these works are a product of cultural and literary life, they have become an important document and source for research and study. The books of The Writers of Ottoman and Tuhfe-i Naili, which occupy an important place in the field of biography and occupy an important place in the history of literature in the specialization that transfers the translation of prominent names to public consciousness, with a methodology that ensures the continuity of the mentioned consciousness. These works, which are considered among the reference sources in studies that reach today’s reader with a modern scientific understanding in the field of biography, have caused some studies to be mistakenly suspended due to the misleading information they contained. In this essay written on the basis of the author’s negligence in the analyzed sources, insufficient examination of sources, and the careful repetition of misinformation, the necessity of scientific criticism of the sources of the history of literature is put forward; ın light of some of the results, decisions regarding biographical sources have been shared.

Literary Dates, Biography, Criticism, The Writers of Ottoman, Tuhfe-i Naili

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