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REFLECTIONS FROM BAYKARA ASSEMBLY -The Events Developing Around Ali Şîr Nevâî-Scientific and Literary Assemblies 6-
Written in Persian by Zeynüddin-i Vâsıfî, Bedâyi'u'l-vekâyi' draws attention especially with the extensive and important information it contains on Turkish culture and social life. In this study, the translation of three chapters in Bedâyi'u'l-vekâyi, which sheds light on the Turkish cultural life in the geography of Turkistan and transfers it to the present, and which also includes the events around Emir Alî Şîr Nevâî will be included. The first of these is the situation of Behlül, the assistant of Emir Ali Şîr, a Persian construction of Nevâî that looks like Hâce Mahmûd-ı Taybâdî's praise but is based on him. The events that took place between Yunus and Mevlânâ Fasîhuddîn Sâhib-dârâ; Secondly, the testing of Emir Ali Şîr's piety and chastity by Sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara and his wife Hadice Bigüm, the fact that Sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara and Emir Ali Şîr saw each other as sheik-disciple, the events that took place around Mevlânâ Şihâb, one of the important poets and scholars of the period. ; the third, on the tenth day of Muharram/January of the year 927/1520, contains what Muzafferuddin Sultan Muhammad Bahâdir told him after he asked Vâsıfî to tell stories and jokes containing the identity of Emir Ali Şîr. In the third part, Mevlânâ Sâhib-dârâ's composition-bend poem written on the death of Alî Şîr is accompanied by an elegy written in verse also with a praise poem in the form of "composition-bend" written by Muhammed Shaybani Khan upon his arrival to Herat from Nahsheb at the end of Dhul-Hijjah/April in 912/1507. In addition, in this section, there is a Turkish couplet that Emir Alî Şîr said for Mevlânâ Sâhib-dârâ.

Poetry assembly, scientific assembly, Emir Alî Şîr, elegy, praise poetry,

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