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  • Sayaç
  • Online Ziyaretçi : 554
    Bugün Toplam : 18
    Genel Toplam : 640422

Muhibbî’nin “Gibi” Redifli Gazeline Ebussuûd Efendi’nin Bilinmeyen Bir Naziresi
(An Unrecognized Response of Ebussuûd Efendi for The Lyric With Repaited Voice “Gibi'” of Muhibbî )

Yazar : Tuncay BÜLBÜL    
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2016
Sayı : 17
Sayfa : 1-12

Muhibbî mahlasıyla şiirler yazan Kânûnî Sultan Süleyman klasik Türk edebiyatının en hacimli

Anahtar Kelimeler
Muhibbî, Ebussud Efendi, Nazire.

Süleyman the Magnificent who wrote poems under the nickname of Muhibbi is one of the poets who has the most voluminous council of classical Turkish literature. For Süleyman the Magnificent who spent most of years of his reign in wars, making time for poems in a life which is full of wars and victory is one of the most important indicators which reveals the grace of his soul. Undoubtedly, the most famous poem of Muhibbi is the lyric which begins with the verse of “Halk içinde mu’teber bir nesne yok devlet gibi / Olmaya cihânda devlet bir nefes sıhhat gibi” The root cause for this poem to be liked that much should be putting “the concept of wellness ahead” “the concept of state” of Suleyman The Magnificent who is the most capable Sultan of a great world state like Ottoman Empire. In this article, the response written by Ebussuûd Efendi who was one of the most famous Shaykh al-İslams of Süleyman the Magnificent will be dragged into the lyric with the repeated voice “Gibi” which belongs to Muhibbi.

Muhibbî, Ebussud Efendi, Repeated Voice.

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