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Kadızâde Mehmed İlmî’s “Duânâme” in Verse for Sultan Murad IV
The subject of “prayer” has a crucial place in Turkish culture and literature. It is seen that the subjects of “prayer” were discussed in various methods before the acceptance of Islam by Turks and verse, prose or verseprose works related to the “prayer” were formed in this period. The difference of duânâme from other forms like “münâcât, tevbenâme, ilticânâme” is that the duânâme is a pray for another person. There are many works which related to this subject in Classical Turkish Literature. Besides autonomous “duânâme”s formed in masnawi style, there are various “duânâme”s written in other verse forms like qasida (panegyric), ghazal and kıt’a. İlmî’s “duanâme” is an autonomous work formed in masnawi prose style with 107 couplets. The work was written for Sultan Murad IV. This work, at the same time, can be accepted as a “cülusiyye”. However, this work has a conquest prayer characteristic which had been written for conquest of Baghdad and Yemen

Duânâme, Classical Turkish Literature, Kadızâde Mehmed İlmî, Sultan IV. Murad

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