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One of the Last Period Divan Poets, Mehmed Bahaeddin, and Some Unknown Poems of His
From the first day of the invention of writing to the present, human beings have taken various actions to share their own ways of living and experiences, feelings and thoughts, dreams and histories and to hand them down the next generations. In this sense, the Turkish nation has created very rich and cumulative written works comprising many fields. These works were read or taught in many different sites and gathering-places, sometimes for the purpose of literature and art, and sometimes with the intention of teaching religious knowledge. When considering the history of Turkish literature, it can be stated that they read and taught the religious works in the genre of Mawlid, Muhammediye, etc., the religious-heroic folk tales like Ebâ Müslimname and Saltuknâme, the written in verse dictionaries in primary schools, famous poets’ poems, inherent divans, masnavis for this sort of purposes. During the recent years, the journals which have been studied by many researchers on the occasion of books, theses, articles, and notices are the outnumbering works that shed light on the period in which they were written although many of them are not copyrighted works. At the present time, thanks to the studies on the journals whose number is approaching 600, new information is still emerging. The work which is to be discussed on the occasion of this study is a journal written by Mehmed Bahaeddin. There are some medicine recipes, some information about sufism and astronomy, hadiths and Mehmed Bahaeddin’s many unknown poems in the journal. The journal that is the author’s, Mehmed Bahaeddin’s, own copy in our personal library, is to be introduced through this article. Then, some information we have reached about Mehmed Bahaeddin will be given and a number of determinations on his style with examples by citing from the poet's poems will be made. Finally, some poems of the poet appearing in the journal will be transcribed and adapted into Latin letters.

Ottoman poetry, the 19th century, journal, Mehmed Bahâeddîn, Karahisâr-ı Şarkî.

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