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An Inseparable Part of Turkish Burda Copies: Persian Translation of Qasidat al-Burda, by Hafez Sharaf
Throughout the history of the Islamic world, euologies have been written for the Prophet Muhammad. One of the well known example of those euologies is called el-Kavakibud durriye fi medhi khayril beriyye, written by Mohammad al-Busiri. Also recognized as Qasidat al-Burda, this euology was well liked as it was spread across Islamic countries by people telling and composing songs about it. As Busiri based his rhyme upon the "mim" sound in the Arabic alphabet, the euology is also known as Qasidat al-Mimiyye. Takhamis and a few number of interpretations were written over Busiri's work. It was also translated to Persian and Turkish. One of those mentioned translations were done in Persian by Mohammed Hafez Sharaf, which very limited amount of information has been found about himself in various sources. This translation of Mohammed Hafez Sharaf became an inseparable part of Burda workshops in Anatolia and manifested itself on a number of Turkish translations, interpreatations and in Burda journals. Hafez Sharaf has also based his translation on "mim sound just like Mohammed al-Busiri and pen his work in the year 810/1407-08. Sharaf introduced himself in the closure part and added the date which he finalized his work. Any kind of information regarding Hafez Sharaf such as the family, education level or even which part of the country that he lived is still unknown. Therefore, his euology occasionally accredited to other poets such as Abdurrahman Jami (d. 1492) and Hafez Shirazi (d. 1390). Although Sharaf's euology manifested itself in various Persian And Turkish translations and interpretations, it didn't get subjected to any independent study or translated to Turkish. In this study, a number of findings are presented about Mohammed Hafez Sharaf's Persian translation of Qasidat al-Burda and translated to Turkish from the Persian text.

Mohammad al-Busiri, Qasîdat al-Burda, Mohammad Hafez Sharaf, Persian Burda.

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