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Trouble of “Hangâme” or What is The Poet Actually Saying
Although there may be many reasons behind the society’s distance from classical Turkish literature today, it is clear that the main problem is “language”. One aspect of the issue is the language of this literature, but what is more difficult is the “translingual language”. Because most of the time, a couplet may not be understood when translated into prose in today’s language. Because even though the meanings of the words in the lines translated into today’s language are known, the difficulty increases even more when we do not have a grasp on the meaning world of these words in the lower layers and the background they represent. However, researchers or academicians studying at the postgraduate level are expected to know or see this background, or at least intuit it from the context of the couplet. Another difficulty in understanding ancient texts is lexicological. In order to fully understand and analyze the text, it is necessary to know all the meanings of the words. Of course, it is not possible for everyone to know every word or all the meanings of a word. However, when you look at a couplet carefully, if there is a word that is not suitable in terms of meaning, it becomes inevitable to look at dictionaries to solve this semantic problem. If the answers given in the dictionaries are not satisfactory, solutions should be sought by looking at older and more detailed dictionaries, specialized and terminology dictionaries. In this article, the use of the word “hengâme” in ancient texts will be discussed from this perspective. The word is also used in today’s Turkish to mean “noise, commotion, chaos”. In addition to these, the answers given in dictionaries are mostly similar meanings such as “fight, racket, entertainment, commotion, crowd”. However, our classical poets often used the word “hengâme” in other than these meanings.

Classical Turkish poetry, contextual index, meaning in poetry, dictionary, TEBDİZ / LEHCEDİZ

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