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Towards the Republishing of the Karamanli Nizami Dîvân: New Copies and New Poems
Divan poetry gained a classical identity by developing during the reign of Mehmet the Conqueror. Nizâmî from Karaman is one of the prominent representatives of the period mentioned with the poems he wrote in the second half of the 15th century. According to the rumors of the sources, he was born in Konya, in the Karamanoğulları principality; He presented medhiyes to the rulers of the principality. The fame of the poems he penned reached Mahmud Pasha, who created a gathering by patronizing many artists; The grand vizier invited the young poet to the palace to fill the place of Ahmed Pasha, the most famous poet of the period, who was removed from the palace. Sources reported that Nizami set out with the poems he prepared to present to the sultan, but died before he could reach the capital. There is no record that the divan where Nizami's poems were collected was brought together while the poet was alive. The first scientific publication about the Karamanli Nizami Dîvân was prepared by Haluk İpekten. The comparative text using 6 copies and 4 nazire magazines in Istanbul libraries was published in 1974 and 2020. 8 new copies of the Divan, which were not used in the Ipekten edition, were found, most of which are in libraries abroad. In the study we prepared, 6 copies of Karamanlı Nizami's Divan were introduced for the first time, and the new poems identified in the copies and the couplets that were not found in the poems in the publication were presented with translations. The poet's verses, which are revealed for the first time in new copies, are important because data that sheds light on different aspects of his life and art can be reached.

Nizâmî from Karaman, Dîvân, critcal text.

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