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Ah Fasih Vah Fasih: Who Written Behiştabad?
There are many poetic and prose works written in Divan literature. Although some of them have been identified and are being studied, it is a fact that there are hundreds of manuscripts in libraries that have not yet been identified and are waiting to be examined. It is thought that many works could not be reached due to different titles and classifications as well as for various reasons. It is possible for many of them to be considered and registered as belonging to different/other artists due to their recordings in the library and the works and their name similarity. It can be said that the similarity of the pseudonym has an effect on this. It is possible for a work to be attributed to more than one person for any reason, to own a work belonging to someone else, or even to attribute a work to someone who does not own it. The clerk(s) who wrote a copy of the text and the researcher(s) who examined the works may have made wrong, incomplete and erroneous evaluations. Thus, it is possible that the works were thought to belong to someone else, not the original owner. In addition, it is a common situation for an artist to present a work as its own by violating its property rights. Detection of such behaviors, mistakes and errors, examining the texts, determining who the works belong to, reaching and accessing the right information, contributing to the history of literature and bringing them to the world of science are important steps. This study includes some brief evaluations about whether the work named Behiştabad, which is attributed to the painter, musician and calligrapher Ahmed Dede, who has poems and works under the pen name “Fasih”, belongs to him. In this context, a comparative analysis of the data in the work and the information given about the poet's life and biographies has been made. If the work does not belong to him, evaluations are also given on which Fasih it belongs to.

Ahmed Fasih Dede, Behiştabad, Hast Behişt, Fasih-i Amedi, Vadî Ahmed.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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