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Bibliography of Mewlid
Mawlid, one of the literary genres common to Islamic culture, has undoubtedly gained a special importance in Islamic Turkish literature. The first independent Mevlid in Turkish literature belongs to the 15th century. Although it is believed to have been given by Ahmedi at the beginning of the century, the genre is identified with Süleyman Çelebi's work titled Vesîletü'n-necât. With this work, Süleyman Çelebi influenced the mawlids written after him and contributed to the formation of a strong mawlid corpus in our literature. Many studies have been and are being carried out from past to present on Mevlids, which have an important place in both our literature and culture. These studies were not limited to the field of literature; Publications on this subject have been published in various fields such as history, music, theology and sociology. In addition to these publications, scientific studies have also been carried out to present them together. The aim of this article is to create a general "Mevlid" bibliography that gathers Mevlid publications in all disciplines under one roof, without imposing any scope limitation on Mevlid studies. While compiling the bibliography, only Mevlid works written in Turkish were included; Although the language of the study is Turkish and Mevlid was written in a language other than Turkish, it is not included in the bibliography. However, the bibliography also includes studies on Turkish Mevlid or foreign languages on the subject of Mevlid. Publications; The study is divided into six main headings: "Books", "Articles", "Book Chapters", "Essays", "Theses", "Encyclopedia Articles", and at the end of the study, graphic information is included under the heading "Statistics". ", based on quotes in the bibliography.

Islamic Turkish Literature, Bibliography, Mawlid, Süleyman Çelebi, Mawlid Culture.

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