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A Poet Sentenced to Death: Caniklizâde Hayreddin Râgıb Pasha and His Poems of a Lost Part
There are many poets who have written works and verses in classical Turkish literature who could not be introduced in a scientific sense due to reasons such as the works they left behind after their deaths were somehow moved, passed from hand to hand, sold or smuggled abroad. The identification of the poems of poets who are mentioned in historical and literary sources as having a significant number of poems but who are not given information about the location of these poems is extremely valuable in revealing at least the literary personality of those poets. Another poet whose poems and even his divan are mentioned in biographical sources but whose divan or poems have not been identified until today is Caniklizâde Hayreddin Râgıb Pasha, who was a pasha sentenced to death in Ottoman history and who also wrote poems under the pseudonym Râgıb. In this study, based on the Turkish manuscript found in the National Library of England (Biritish Library) and registered under the number Or 7083 and the tahm written by Tayyar Mahmud Pasha to a ghazal of his brother Hayreddin Râgıb Pasha in his divan, 9 of Hayreddin Râgıb Pasha's poems known to be lost, 9 of his ghazals and one of his müfret were analysed. In the light of these verses, the poet's poetry is presented for the use of classical Turkish literature researchers. In the introduction part of the study, a brief history of the Caniklizâdes, who were one of the important families of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century, but who were punished with death and eliminated by the Bâb-ı âli due to their wrong attitudes towards the state and the subjects, is given. Then, information about Hayreddin Râgıb Pasha's life obtained from historical and biographical sources is given. Then the newly identified ghazals of Hayreddin Râgıb Pasha, which are the subject of the study, are analysed in terms of form and content. In the last section, the translation text of the verses is given.


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