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The Manner Of The Trickster Arcetype In The Female Heroes In Cevâmi'ü'l-hikâyât and Levâmi'ü'r-rivâyât
Archetypal criticism is one of the criticisms towards the work. The aim of this method, which emerged in the twentieth century, is to reveal universal and recurring archetypes that have influenced people for a long time. Archetypes belonging to the collective unconscious are repeated in literary works. Recently, researchers have been making use of archetypal symbolism in order to examine literary works and trace the immortal psychological traces of the societies in which they were written. It is possible to see the basic archetypes in Cevâmi'ü'l-hikâyât and Levâmi'ü'r-rivâyât, which were brought to our language through translation from Iranian literature. In the work, the narratives of women who either achieve or fail to integrate under the influence of their shadow are very important in terms of archetypal symbolism. Because of this importance, in this study, we tried to reveal in what ways the trickster archetype is seen in the female heroes in Cevâmi'ü'l-hikâyât and Levâmi'ü'r-rivâyât. In the introduction part of the study, information about Cevâmi'ü'l-hikâyât and Levâmi'ü'r-rivâyât was given and the reason for examining the trickster archetype in this work was explained in detail. Then, the theoretical framework of archetypes and archetypal criticism was drawn and basic archetypes and integration were emphasized. Next, detailed information about the trickster archetype was given. In the continuation of our study, an evaluation of the work was made in the light of the theoretical information we obtained on archetypes and the trickster archetype. Then, in the context of archetypal symbolism, how the trickster archetype emerges in women, especially in the stories under the titles of Pârsâ Hatun Persons and Âbide vü Zâhide and Nikû-Sîret Avretler's Remembrance, Mekkâre Avretler's Mekr and Keydleri Beyânında, is a versatile story collection. It was discussed.

Archetypal symbolism, trickster archetype, woman.

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