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A Poet in The Lines of Khoca Ahmed Yesevî, Yunus Emre: ?Arabzâde and His Poems
?Arabzâde's poems, which are in the line of Hoca Ahmed Yesevî and Yunus Emre, are among the pages 1b-19a of the manuscript registered at the Presidency of Religious Affairs Manuscripts Library Dewey 810. 24 23. No information has been found in the sources about ?Arabzâde's life, and there is no information in the work about the date of writing of his poems. However, based on the treatment of the subject and the language characteristics, the poems can be dated back to the 14th-15th Gregorian period. It is possible to say that it was written in the centuries. There is a waiver on page 19a of the manuscript containing the poems of Arabzâde, and there is information that the work was copied by Seyyid Muhammed, a student of Hafız Ahmed, in 1115/1703-1704. ?Arabzâde poems consist of 29 musammat odes rhymed with each letter of the Arabic alphabet and are written in the advices/pendnâme type. ?Arabzâde; ın his poems, in addition to the rules regulating social life, he gives various advice to the reader on religious and social issues such as the love of God, good morals, worship, repentance, love of the world, death, torment in the grave, the transience of worldly life, the tricks and traps of the devil, and descriptions of heaven and hell. In this respect, it is possible to say that the manuscript containing ?Arabzâde poems, which have a very diverse and colorful content, is an important advice/pendnâme.

Turkish Literature, Poem, Arabzade, Advices, Pendname.

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