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Two Examples of the Expression of Earth and Sky in the Type of Debate: Lâmi'i Çelebi's Yer ile Gök and Şemseddîn Sivâsî's Asumân-ı Zemîn
In the old dictionaries, the earth is explained as "the body corresponding to the sky" or "the place where people are located". Sema, on the other hand, is a noun meaning "height" and means "sky, cloud, everything high, the ceiling of the house, rain, the back of a horse". However, sema, which is mostly used as a part of the idea of being and the universe with the meaning of "sky", focuses on two meanings, one physical and the other metaphysical. In the debates, the poets sometimes tried to explain the earth and sky element in a didactic nature and tried to explain it with religious-moral teachings and mystical discourses, sometimes they tried to describe the miracle in creation with very artistic expressions and to emphasize the beauty of nature only by basing metaphorical expressions and literary arts. Whether it was written with didactic, religious-sufistic or literary concerns, there was a mystical conflict between the earth and the sky in the debates, and it was tried to be depicted that the earth and the sky were trying to make each other accept their superiority.

Earth, sky, debate, classical poetry, masnavi.

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