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The Poems Of Lâlîzâde Abdülbâki Efendi, One Of The 18th Century Bayrâmî-Melamî Poets
Lâ?lîzâde Abdülbâki (d. 1159/1746), one of the ulema of the 18th century, is a sufi poet who belongs to the Bayrami-Melami sect. At the same time, he was from the ilmiye class of the Ottoman Empire and took various positions in the state levels. As a member of a sect, he wrote more than twenty works with a purely mystical content. Apart from these works, 34 poems in ghazal verse form and also containing mystical meanings were identified in a journal. The main theme of Lâ?lîzâde Abdülbâki's poems is mystical love, and the words, compositions and metaphors used in the poems are within this framework. In this study, the life and works of Lâ?lîzâde Abdülbâki were briefly introduced, and his poems in the aforementioned magazine were examined in terms of form and content. In addition, the transcripted text of the poems is given. With this study, the poems of Lâ?lîzâde Abdülbâki, which have not been published anywhere before, have been tried to be introduced to the world of science.

Turkish-Islamic Literature, Lâ?lîzâde Abdülbâki, Sufism, Gazel.

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