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Poems Writed To Cities By Aşık Ömer’s Divan
Divan poets did not remain indifferent to the geography they lived in, they mentioned settlements on various occasions in their poems. In particular, with the effect of localization, poets used the places they lived and saw in their poems, in addition to the general geography they mentioned in the tradition, and as a result of this, verse types that deal with cities such as shehrengiz, city poems, bilâdiyye, sâhil-nâme were born in classical Turkish poetry. There are also poems written on cities independently in classical Turkish literature. These poems appear in almost all verse forms such as ghazal, eulogy, murabba, masnavi, qit‘a, history, song, running. These poems, which praise the natural beauties, historical and architectural features of a city, the people and beauties of the city, also contain information that can be a source for the history and culture of that city or a period. Apart from these poems, which are mostly eulogy, there are also poems in which the city or its people are satirized and elegies are written on the cities, although they are few in number. In this article, after giving information about the city poems that come to the fore with the rich material it contains about the history and culture of a city, the life and works of the 17th century poet Âşık Ömer will be emphasized, and the perception of the city will be tried to be determined through the poet's 15 poems written for 9 different places using the place name as redif.

Classical Turkish literature, Urban poems, Âşık Ömer, Cities.

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