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Two Saviour Beings in Turks Religious History: Boddhisattva Avalokiteshvara And Khızr
In every religion and belief system, individuals have sought refuge in holy beings who can seek help in their worldly troubles and guide their spiritual salvation. In Mahayana Buddhism, adopted by the Turks, especially by Uygurs, the names of the Buddhas and boddhisatvas (the heavenly beings who postponed their liberation and devoted themselves to the Buddhist community while they could be Buddhas) who enabled the Buddhist secularists to reach nirvana, are mentioned with rosaries. In Islam, besides the dhikrs of God’s names (Esmaü'l- Hüsna), prophets, angels and sufis are the sacred beings who come to the aid of Muslim people. In our article, Boddhisatva Avalokiteshvara, whom Buddhist Uygurs believed most and called for help at every opportunity, and Khizr who helps Muslim Turks when they are in trouble and guide them will be discussed comparatively by taking into account the morphological and functional similarities -especially on the change of form, on the beliefs and on the veneration rituals developed around these two savior beings. Our aim in this study is to make a small contribution to the thesis that the similarity of some belief and worship elements is effective in the Turks' adoption of Islam after Buddhism.

Turks, Buddhism, Islam, Saviour, Boddhisattva, Avalokiteshvara, Khizr.

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