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Şeyh Galib’s Persian Poems
The language of classical Turkish poetry is Turkish. In divan and mathnawis, Turkish poems were written in the best way, which can be considered as the vocabulary of Turkish. On the other hand, the long-standing exchange of Turkish literature with Persian has also influenced classical poets, and poets have also sought to write poetry in Persian. It is possible to come across examples of Persian titles, lines, couplets and poems in divan, tezkire and masnavi samples in almost every century. Poets such as Fuzûlî, Muhibbi, Nef'î, Nâbî, and Yenişehirli Avnî collected their poems in Persian divans. Many poets, on the other hand, showed their interest in Persian by writing piecemeal poems instead of creating another divan, so they added Persian poems to the Turkish poems in their divan. One of these poets is Şeyh Galib. Şeyh Galib (d. 1799) is one of the famous poets of Classical Turkish poetry. He is a valuable and accepted name in the history of literature with his aspects such as being a Mevlevi sheik, bringing innovations as a poet with style, and bringing the Indian style to the top of Turkish Literature. There are also Persian poems in Şeyh Galib's Turkish divan and some poetry journals (macmuas). The poet, who is a fan of Mevlana, wrote Persian poems to show both the influence of the tradition and his devotion to Mevlana. It is essential to correctly translate and understand his Persian poems, which he usually wrote when he was young, to determine his literary identity in detail. Especially in these poems, which he wrote with the influence of the Indian style, he had various dreams and captured many meanings with his unique style. These Persian poems contribute to understanding Şeyh Galib's poetics. In this article, a total of 87 (eighty-seven) pieces of Persian poems.

Classical Turkish poetry, Şeyh Galib, Persian, Indian style, Şevket-i Buhari.

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