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Divan Poet Maksadî and His Ghazals Found in Poetry Journals
It is known that the Ottoman State began to be influential in Rumelia and Balkan geography with a gradual progress starting from the 14th century. Important artists emerged in literary circles that formed under the influence of Ottoman culture in cities such as Belgrade, Bosnia, Plovdiv, Monastery, Mostar, Pristina, Prizren, Sarajevo, Serez, Sofia, Skopje and Vardar Yenicesi. These artists created bridges of love between Anatolia and Balkan geography and produced works with a common world view and literary understanding. A significant part of the works of these artists has been brought to scientific community and studies with different content have been conducted on most. However, works revealed by new studies show that there are still artists waiting to be introduced to the world of science with their lives and works. In this context, those who study classical literature know how important poetry journals are in identifying poets and poems unknown in the scientific world. In this study, unpublished ghazals of a poet with the pseudonym Maksadî, who was an artist in the Balkan geography and whose life was known only through his works since there was no information about him in sources, were obtained from poetry journals. The present article first gives some information about the life, art and works of Maksadî, then translates ghazals of the poet and adds some sample pages from the work. The aim of the present study is to bring Maksadî and his ghazals to the agenda of the scientific world.

Maksadî, Classical Turkish literature, Balkan poets, Poetry journals.

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