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An Unknown Masnavi: Gulizar and the Imam
The purpose of this study is to introduce the story Gulizar and Imam, whose written, where and when is not certain. The only copy of the work, which was written in masnavi verse, is registered in Edirne Selimiye Manuscripts Library at 22 Sel 2168/2. The work is the second of the five books in this 147-page book collection and has 18 leaves. The whole of the work, which does not comply with theorder in the classical masnavis, is 635 couplets. The work, which initially looked like a human love story,took on a mystical disguise towards the end of the story. In this study, the translated text of the workwas given and analyzed in terms of form and content. This work, which was determined to be closer tothe modern story in terms of its subject and processing, was evaluated both in terms of narrationelements (event, person, time and place) and in terms of language and style.

Gülizâr, İmâm, masnavi, story, literature.

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