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Specificity of Sebeb-i Telifs And The Three Distinct Stories of The Three Distinct Sebeb-i Telifs
In this study, first of all, the reasons for the creation of the Sebeb-i telifs in some works were emphasized, and then, the information about the subjects, contents and authors/ translators of the selected works was given accordingly. Although the researches on this subject group the reasons for writing and give similar ones under a single title, in fact, the reason for the writing of each work is usually unique. It is deemed to be important to see each distinct Sebeb-i telifs of the three distinct works discussed in this study together to shed light on the clarity of the subject and to contribute. In addition, here, the reasons why the authors/interpreters based and made a story of their purpose of not highlighting their own existence, and what kind of narrative method they preferred in this sense were emphasized.

Text, text creation, Sebeb-i telif, Lemaât, Kavsnâme, Tercüme-i Alâiyye.

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