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A New Copy of Ahmed-i Dâ'î's Teressul
Ahmed-i Dâ'î (d. after 824/1421), one of the prolific writers of Ottoman literature, produced works in many fields such as literature, akaid, dream interpretation, linguistics and hadith. Among these works, there are some that were written with a purely literary purpose, and Ahmed-i Dâ'î wrote texts that would respond to the needs of his period. In this respect, one of the works written by the author to help his readers, whom he describes as "mübtedî", is the work of inşâ called Teressül. Unfortunately, a complete copy of Teressül has not been found so far. The only and incomplete copy known to exist is in the mecmûa registered at 1856 in the Manisa Muradiye Library. In this article, an unknown but still incomplete copy, which is in the mecmûa registered at 6998 in Edirne Selimiye Manuscript Library, will be introduced. Through the comparison of the two copies, some ideas will be revealed on the text production and copying, in particular Ahmed-i Dâ'î.

Ahmed-i Dâ’î, Teressül, İnşâ, Compiling, Copying.

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