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Corresponding And Equivalent Structures In Turkish Syntax
This article discusses corresponding and equivalent structures in Turkish. The focus of the article is discussing, considering syntax, structures that are interchangably used in simultaneous time as well as structures that can serve as substituted diachronic time. Correspondance in linguistics can be defined as using phonem or morfem structures interchangeably between languages that have shared primative languages or languages that have neighborhood relations for long period of time. Correspondance generally defined between different languages. However, the sub-cathegories within a language can also contain correspondace relations. These relations can be analyzed between phonetic (sound) changes within different dialect and accents in a language. The reason for this is that these phonems are not distinctive. The words, word groups and senteces that can interchagably used as same function and meaning are defined as equivalent. Equivalence analyzed in word and syntax with simultaneous time method and diachronic time method. This article discusses some equivalent structures in Turkish and work on identiying how these structures were formed. Examples from different historical periods of Tukish used in analysis in this article. The full extend of these structures are not covered in the scope of this article but a general understanding of the consept is aimed. Significant results can be achieved in the field of Turkology and “Teaching Turkish to Foreigners” by investigating more on “the equivalence in sentence”.

Corresponding, equivalent, syntax, Turkish.

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