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Fatma Şadiye Hanım And Her Book Named Hazret-i Ayişe-i Sıddîka
Fatma Şadiye Hanım, one of the women writers of the last period of the Ottoman Empire, wrote separate biographical works on the famous women of Islam, especially those close to Prophet of Islam. These works were the first in their field. Before Fatma Şadiye Hanım, no one separate books about these blessed ladies were written. The first three of these works were published in Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete initially and later published as books. The works that present the lives of “Hz.Fatima”, the daughter of the Prophet and her wives “Hz. Hatîce” and “Hz. Âyişe” in separate biographies, were very popular in her time and were printed in the printing house of Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete. Later, the writer also wrote books about the Prophet’s blessed mother Hz.Amina, and his other wives including Hz. Sevde and Hz. Umm Habibe. Fatma Şadiye Hanım, has been the director of Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete for many years since its establishment, which started its publishing life during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamit II. Fatma Şadiye Hanım's teaching and writing aspects are also important besides her newspaper management skills. In this article, though Fatma Şadiye Hanım's newspaper management, teaching and poetic aspects will be mentioned, her prose writing and especially her works about great Islamic women will be diligently discussed. At the end of the article the text of her work named Hazrat-i Âyişe-i Sıddîka translated into today's letters will be given as an example.

Fatma Şadiye Hanım, Hanımlara Mahsus Newspaper, great Islamic ladies, Hz. Ayise.

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