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Marsiyas of Kara Fazlî
XVI.century is a magnificent period in which successes were achieved in every field, especially scientific, literary and architectural, as well as historical victories. It is possible to observe these achievements not only in the geography dominated by the Ottoman Empire, but also in the whole geography where the Turkish language is dominant, from Vienna to the sea of China. Top names in all genres and forms of Turkish literature and their masterpieces emerged in this period. The fact that more than 300 of the nearly 4000 divan poets recorded in the biographies lived in the Kanuni period must be a sign of the interest shown in the literary activities in the Ottoman Empire. One of the poets who lived in such a period is Kara Fazlî (1520-1564). Known for his Gül ü Bülbül masnavi and who was praised in biographies, this poet's poems were tried to be gathered by scanning magazines in 2005, since there is no divan that has survived to the present day. Fazlî, who has given successful examples in all forms of verse, from ghazals with double rhymes to odes and musammats, which are loaded with proverbs and idioms, also wrote poems full of pain and sorrow, such as marsiyas. Known in the world of literature for only one of the two marsiyas he wrote on the deaths of Şehzâde Mehmed and Şehzâde Mustafa at a young age, Kara Fazlî's other marsiyas deserve as much recognition as well. In this respect, in our article, after giving a brief information about the poet's life and works, a general information about the marsiya genre is given; total of 6 marsiyas he wrote, one of which was about the martyr Huseyin of Karbala, were revealed by comparing the manuscripts they were recorded, and analyzed in terms of form and content. There is no doubt that these poems, in which genuine and sincere feelings are conveyed in a language that can be considered simple, will see the value they deserve in new publications on marsiyas.

Kara Fazlî, marsiya, XVI century, Şehzâde Mehmed, Şehzâde Mustafa.

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