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Rewriting of Şeyhoğlu’s Menkabet-i Penc Keştî: Bursalı Hasîb’s Menâkıb-ı Şâh Habîb
Many works written by Bursalı Mü’minzâde Ahmed Hasîb (d. 1166/1752-53), who is among the XVIII. century poets, are mentioned in the resources. However, Menâkıb-ı Şâh Habîb is not mentioned among those. Menâkıb-ı Şâh Habîb is the rewritten version of the narrative poetry titled Menkabet-i Penc Keştî, which was written by the mudarris Osmân Efendi (d. 1738), son of Shaykh al-Islam Mustafa Efendi (d. 1745), using the pen name Şeyhoğlu, and composed of 85 couplets narrating the miracles of Hz. Ali (Ali b. Abu Talib), as extended by Mü’minzâde Ahmed Hasîb. As a result of the catalog reviews conducted, two copies, one of them being the author's handwriting, of this poem as we have composed of 614 couplets written in the form of mathnawi poetry were found. Analyzing both copies in hand, it is observed that Hasîb also wrote his own text two times with some differences. It is understood from the author's expressions in the various couplets in one of the copies of the text, which was written between the years 1736-1738 as we anticipate, that he wished to offer the poetic history titled Silkü’l-Le’âl, which had been completed at that time as it is understood, to Sultan Mahmûd I and, for that reason, he was trying to use the Menâkıb-ı Şâh Habîb as an inducement to his search for a protector/patron. It is conspicuous that seven takriz (appreciation texts) were written for only one poem which was not mentioned in any biographical resources. In the first section of this study, the name of the work and identity of the poet will be discussed, a comparison will be made between the prepared text and the poem written by Şeyhoglu, the text will be analyzed in terms of form and content, and the copies of the text will be introduced.

Hz. Ali (Ali b. Abu Talib), rewriting, Şeyhoğlu/Şeyhzâde Osmân.

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