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The Possibility of a New Work in the Bibliography of Mawlid: ?Arf al-Ta?rif bi al-Mawlid al-Sharif li Ibn al-Jazari
All composed works have their own bibliography and an intellectual environment whithin which they have been written. Wasila al-Najat, which has had a continuous influence on sunsequent works since its composition to the present day, is not an exception. Mawlid, written by Ahmedi in Bursa approximately two years before Süleyman Çelebi, Sira al-Nabi, composed of three volumes by Qadi Darir from different sirah works, and Aşık Pasha's famous masnawi Garib-name, can be considered as the works that constitute the predecessor and bibliography of Wasila al-Najat. When the chapter introduction couplets and on the birth of the prophet is taken into consideration, higher similarity rate among these works can be realized. It can be said that these works cntributed the quich composition of Wasila al-Najat. In addition to these informations, it has been seen in some sources that ?Arf al-Ta?rif bi al-Mawlid al-Sharif, which was written by the great recitation scholar Ibn al-Jazari, was also included in the bibliography of Wasila al-Najat. İbn al-Jazari's work, which is the subject of this research, has been evaluated in some sources under different names such as Mawlid al-Nabi, Wiladat al-Nabi, al-Mawlid al-Kabir. From this point of view, in this study, I will both compare the content of Süleyman Çelebi’s Wasila al-Najat and İbn al-Jazari's ?Arf al-Ta?rif bi al-Mawlid al-Sharif and try to focus on the predecessor-successor relationship based on a copy of Ta?rif from the author's manuscript. In this context, the bibliography of ?Arf al-Ta?rif has been reviewed, based on books of biographies and memories the position of the author's work has been discussed, and finally, the similarities and differences between Süleyman Çelebi's Mawlid and Ibn Jazari’s Ta?rif are revealed as much as possible.

Mawlid, Süleyman Çelebi, Wasila al-Najat, Ibn al-Jazari, Arf al-Ta'rif bi al-Mawlid al-Sharif.

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