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Nawali of Akhisar’s Duaname
Nawâlî, whose real name was Nasuh, was a scholar and poet of the 16th century. The poet, who was born in Akhisar accident of Saruhan sanjak, continued his profession as a muderris for many years after his madrasah education. In the last periods of his life, he became the teacher of Prince Mehmed (Mehmed III). The poet, who sings poems in Turkish and Persian, has many works. One of them is his Duânâme, which has not been the subject of any study so far. Although the date of Duânâme's composition is unknown, it is estimated to have been written shortly after 1553. The only known copy of this work, written in the name of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, is in the author's manuscript and can be found in the Ankara National Library, number A 9584. Duânâme consists of three parts: preface, prayer chapter and the petition chapter. Written in prose and verse, the work includes Turkish, Persian and Arabic poems in various verse forms. The poems in the work are written in an artistic language and the prose parts are written in an ornate prose style. In the work, the poet says that he has no other refuge but the sultan's threshold, praises the sultan's qualities such as generosity, justice and truthfulness, and expresses that he hopes for favors from him by praying. In this article, firstly, brief information about Nawâlî's life and works will be given, then the Duânâme will be introduced and its copy information, content and language features will be evaluated. Finally, the text of the work will be presented in a transcribed form.

Nawâlî of Akhisar’s, Duânâme, Kânuni Sultan Suleiman.

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