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Forty Hadith in Persian Verse with an Unknown Poet
The works consisting of the forty hadith of the Prophet and the explanations of these hadiths are called forty hadith. Forty types of hadith emerged and became widespread after the second century A.H. This verse genre, which is very popular in Turkish, Arabic and Persian literatures, of the Prophet; It was written because of his hadith, "Allah will resurrect anyone who compiles forty hadiths on religious issues for my ummah, among the community of scholars". Because of this hadith, many scholars, writers and mystics compiled forty hadith. Forty hadiths were written sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, and sometimes in a mixed verse-prose style. In such works, the hadith text is usually written first, then its short translation is given, and sometimes the subject is expanded with verses, hadiths and wise events. Especially the forty hadiths selected from the hadiths that are easy to understand and memorize have been instrumental in the development of a rich religious literature. Forty hadiths, which have literary, moral, social and religious characteristics, were mostly written in Turkish in the Islamic world. Forty hadiths in Turkish literature; It has been processed more than religious types such as hilye, siyer, mawlid and maktel. Forty hadiths were written in both Turkish and Persian in our classical literature. As a matter of fact, poets such as Idris Bitlisi, Yusuf Nuri Efendi, Uzun Firdevsi, Iznikli Selami wrote such Persian works by taking Molla Jami as an example. In this study, forty hadith in Persian verse, whose poet is unknown, in the collection of Celebi Abdullah of the Suleymaniye Library (nb. 400, p. 74a-77a) will be discussed for the first time, the work will be written in Persian and translated into Turkish.

Forty Hadith, Forty Hadith in Persian Verse, Suleymaniye Library.

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