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REFLECTIONS FROM BAYKARA ASSEMBLY – Literary Assemblies, Satires, The story told to the Sultans and the Pictures Presented 9
Bedâyi'u'l-vekâyi' which was written in Persian in the second half of the century in XVI, by Zeynüddin Mahmud-i Vasıfî (d. 958/1551), draws attention especially because of the important information it contains about Turkish culture and social life, customs and traditions. In this work, which is very important for the history of Turkish culture in this respect, various assemblies that reflect the identity and reveal the characteristics of the literary and scientific assemblies, which were organized and formed in different places, especially in the geography of Transoxiana and Turkistan, were included and their descriptions were made. In this study, the translation of the sections in Bedâyi'u'l-vekâyi that sheds light on the literary assemblies of that period, the conversations with the sultan on poetry, the stories told to the sultans and the poems and pictures presented will be included. In the first of these, there are four stories told by Vâsıfî when he asked Vâsıfî, who participated in an assembly formed by Kildi Muhammed Sultan (d. In the second; After the arrival of a person who came from Bukhara and wanted to present the poem he had written to Muzafferüddin Sultan Muhammed Bahadır Han to a council organized by Vâsıfî, and his poem was presented to the sultan after the deficiencies were eliminated by the people in the assembly; The poem and the conversation about the poet that took place between the sultan and Vâsıfî are mentioned, followed by an ode by Mevlânâ Hasan Shah, in which there are many graces and delicacies in terms of “Kedhudalık/groom suit. In the third, it is mentioned that Mevlânâ Yûsuf-ı Nakkaş sent the pictures drawn by Kadı Câdek and Bihzâd sent the paintings by Emir Baba Mahmud to the assembly of Sultan Muhammed Bahadır. In addition, in this section, it is also mentioned that Bihzad gave him the picture of Alî Şîr Nevâyî.

Poetry assembly, metaphorical statement, praise, satire, painting, story

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