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Rainbow Perception In The Classical Turkish Poetry
One of the main sources of the classical Turkish poetry is mythology, because it encircled the history of humanity and is a concept that have continuity. Also, cults in mythology reflects art, literature and scientific activities. Besides some ceremonial rituals, mythic values that express orally are very influential on literature. It can be said that the first eras of the humanity make a sensation more than current days. Cosmology also makes a great sensation on humans. Cosmology makes a great sensation on people because it is out of reach and it has a glamorous attraction. Besides the celestial bodies, sky events also affect the humans. One of these events is rainbow which is special because of its shape, its seldom and its colours. Classical Turkish poets handled rainbow in fifty-three different forms and perceived it very rich and colourful imaginations. The perception of rainbow metaphor of the poets is going to be evaluated with rich examples in this paper.

Rainbow, classical Turkish poetry, mythology, metaphor, cosmology.

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