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Cycle In Classical Turkish Poetry Texts
A loop is a course made in an orbit. A circle is drawn in the loop with the same starting and ending point. The vicious circle is the concern of always taking the problems that have no solution from the same point and reaching the same result. In logic, it is to prove two propositions with each other. Most of the time, people come to the same point by going back and forth in their environment, ideas, life conditions, problems and emotions. This situation, which we call a vicious circle or vicious circle, affects the whole life. This phenomenon is also reflected in literary works. Writer, poet, painter, etc. Artists, knowingly or unknowingly, reflect the cycles within themselves to their works. In this study, the cycle theme in classical Turkish poetry is discussed. By giving examples of poems belonging to various poets, cyclical themes were traced both in the form and content of the poem. The tools that provide the cyclical themes in classical Turkish poetry are word-redifs, mütekerrir musammats, terci-i bents etc. verse forms, redd-i matlas and rhetorical devices such as iade, reddü'l-acüz ale's-sadr and tekrir. In the content of the poems, the cycle theme appears in many different forms. These are the life field cycle, the thought-feeling cycle, the imagination-memory cycle, the soul cycle, etc. While creating the cyclical theme, the poets sometimes make use of circular objects such as goblets and sometimes circular movements such as the movements of the semâ’ and the propeller. The relationship between the part and the whole also sheds light on another dimension of the cycle. Completing the drop to the ocean and the particle to the sun means completing the cycle. Beings exist in a separation-convergence cycle.

Cycle, circular themes, thought, feeling, course, verse, classical Turkish poetry.

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