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Kerimi’s Arabic-Turkish Verse Dictionary: Isbah
crumb of information that he was a Muslim judge in Anatolia. Isbah which is a Turkish Arabic preliminary, consisting of 38 stanza and 572 couplets, the number of couplets of which varies from 4 to 80; contains the Turkish equivalent of about 1800 Arabic words or phrases. In the work, which has all the features of the classical genre of tuhfe, not only the ordinary words needed in everyday life, but also the names of places and people bearing the identity of a special name are included. In this study, after focusing on the shape and content characteristics of the Isbah, the only known copy of which is registered in the Ali Emiri Collection “Manzum 1296” in the National Library, the translation of some selected chapters from the work has been included.

Classical Turkish Literature, verse dictionary, Kerimi, Isbah.

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