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A Linguistic Analysis on the Work Titled Ahvali’l-kıyamet Written in Old Anatolian Turkish
Many works of copyright and translation were written in the period of Old Anatolian Turkish which has an important place in the history of the Turkish language. The subject of the works written in this period is usually religious in content. Qur'an, hadith, sirah translations, fiqh texts, Qisas al-Anbiyas, Tazkirat al-Awliyas are the main religious content written in this period. A type to be evaluated within the scope of religious content types is Ahvâl-i Kıyâmet. There are many works written in this genre in the Anatolian field, usually in prose and partly in verse. In the works written in this genre, doomsday omens were discussed. Especially issues such as the terrible scenes of the Apocalypse, the situations that the people of the Apocalypse will face, the fate of rebels and sinners, the day of reckoning, the life of the Hereafter are discussed. The work we are working on is also a text belonging to the genre of ahvâl-i apocalypse. The work which is located in Fatih Millet Library 34 Ae Şeriyye 24/2 and has the title Ahvali'l-Kıyamet has been discussed from various perspectives. In the introduction of the study, brief information is given about the genre of Ahvâl-i Kıyâmet, and then a copy of the work is described. The work which was written in prose was first transcribed. Then, the indexed dictionary of the work was prepared. Then, the grammatical features of the work were tried to be determined with the examples taken from the text. The work which was written in a very plain language generally contains features of Old Anatolian Turkish. There are also features of transition to Ottoman Turkish in places in the work, which gives the impression that it was copied in the late period. A facsimile of the work has also been added to the end of the work.

Old Anatolian Turkish, Ahvâl-i Kıyâmet, the last judgement, death.

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