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A name that is not included in the history of literature: Kenânî-yi Bî-Çâre and His “Muaşşer”
The most common works of classical Turkish literature are undoubtedly divans. There are many poets in bibliographic sources that have not been named and the divan has not yet been found. Poetry journals are “source” works that play an important role in the determination of poets who cannot be found in divans or do not have names in literary history and biographical sources. In this study, Kenânî-yî Bî-Çâre and poetry, which cannot be identified in literary history and biographical sources, is emphasized. This poem is located in the poetry journal Ae mnz 234 in the Ali Emiri Efendi collection of the Istanbul Millet Library. In this context, information was given about the work of the poets and the identity of the poet. After the brief information given about the verse form of Muaşşer, verse was examined in shape and content. The transcription of the poem and transferred to today's Turkish. The original text was added to the end of the study.

Classical Turkish Poetry, Poetry Journal, Muaşşer.

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