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A Rose Eulogy in the Context of Arûz Savings (Fuzûlî)
Arûz is a verse measure used in Turkish literature from the 11th century to the 21st century. There are millions of poems written in arûz in Turkish literature. Among their poets are very important names like Yunus Emre, Fuzûlî, Bâkî, Şeyh Galib, Namık Kemal, Yahya Kemal, Tevfik Fikret, Mehmed Akif, Arif Nihad, Mehmet Çınarlı. Moreover, some poets continue to produce literary texts with arûz in the 21st century. On the other hand, the number of poets who have knowledge, experience, and taste in arûz has decreased day by day. Arûz teaching in our schools has also been seriously weakened. Because it is thought that there is no longer a buyer. However, some texts have accumulated hundreds of years, and the production of texts in arûz continues. On the other hand, teaching arûz paves the way for poets and those with aesthetic taste to be more visible in the culture, art, and literature community and to have a voice. Therefore, new, effective and realistic moves are needed at the point of teaching arûz. It is seen that especially researchers and academicians have started to be more interested in arûz recently. With these considerations, it is aimed to present an exemplary practice in the context of studies on arûz in this article. For this purpose, an exemplary application has been made to Fuzûlî's eulogy with Rose redif, and the resulting data has been evaluated and interpreted statistically. It is thought that the article can make a modest contribution and create a comparison opportunity for similar studies based on statistical data.

Arûz savings, Fuzûlî, Gül Eulogy, statistical data

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