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The Issue of the First Turkish Poetry Commentary in the Anatolian Field in the Context of Şerh-i Kasîde-i Ahmedî
This article deals with the commentary written by Süleyman Rusûhî, who is thought to have died at the end of the 16th century, to an qasida by Ahmedî (d. 1412-13), and the first Turkish poetic commentary written in Anatolia based on this commentary.As it is known, our classical poetry commentary tradition is largely based on the commentary of Arabic-Persian works.Commentary on Turkish works is rare. In addition, the commentaries on Turkish poems are mostly aimed at sufi texts, as are the examples on Arabic and Persian works.Very less commentary on socio-cultural or amorous poems may have resulted from the understanding of these texts in their own time. The commentary on the qasida we discussed in this article is susbstantial for our commentary tradition, as it is based on Islamic philosophy, theologyand various beliefs and acceptances of the period. In our article, previously, the subject of which was the first commentary written on a Turkish poem in Anatolia and in this context, who was the first Turkish poetic commentator, was conveyed based on previous researches. Then, the subject was approached from a different perspective by comparing the data of two recent studies with the commentary on the qasida that we have examined here. According to the results we have obtained in this direction, the commentaries of the poems with the theme of sufism or non-sufism in Anatolia and their commentaries have been determined separately. On the other hand, although it was not written in the Anatolian field, the issue of which poem was first commented in terms of being Turkish was also evaluated. In addition, the work named Şerh-i Kasîde-i Ahmedî has been examined in terms of its content and commentary methods.

Şerh, Turkish Commentary Tradition, Şerh-i Kaside-i Ahmedî, Süleyman Rusûhî, Ahmedî.

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