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Evaluation Methods on the Concept of Style/Technique in the Critic Sources of 16th Century Classical Turkish Poetry
In the collections of poet biographies, diwan prologues, and poetic couplets, which are critical sources of classical Turkish poetry, the concept of style was handled in a wider sense than today. According to these sources, beyond pointing out the poet's unique way of saying, the concept of literary style is identified by considering all kinds of variables that can distinguish one text from another or resemble each other. Within this broad usage (in the context of the content or tone of the text; in the sense of originality; in terms of verse form and genre; in the context of the general characteristics of a language, literary field and period; when describing poets with similar stylistics and describing a work that is similar to the form or content of a famous work) there are statements in which the words “tarz/ üslûb” which means style are in the center causing rhymed, harmonious expressions tied together around them. In addition to the subjective interpretations whose words chosen to create harmony in tune with the flow of the sentence, the meter and rhyme of the couplet, there are also a substantial number of objective evaluations based on language characteristics, features of literary fields and periods, genres, forms, and contents. In this study, after mentioning the origins of today's literary style understanding, how literary style concept was evaluated in classical Turkish poetry, and the meanings and purposes for which the concept was used by biographer-critics of XVIth century and how these usages were reflected on poems and diwan prologues were discussed on the text excerpts.

XVIth century Turkish literature, classical Turkish poetry, style.

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