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Sufi Aspiration in Divan-ı Hikmet And Garib-Name
The semantic capacity of some words are wider and more diverse than others. Such words are widely used since they add amplitude and depth to the expression. However, the same reason may cause the meaning to be implicit. These words, which have a wide semantic framework, are mostly words of foreign origin. After the Turks emberaced Islam, they encountered new religious concepts. Since these concepts do not have equivalents in Turkish, words were loaned from Arabic and Persian. One of these words, whose examples are not few, is the word “himmet”. The word himmet, which is of Arabic origin, came to Turkish through Persian. The word himmet is used in a different meaning in Turkish than in Arabic. In this study, it will be emphasized in which sense the word himmet is used in Turkish. For this purpose, firstly, dictionaries were examined. In addition, the meaning of the word himmet in Dîvân-ı Hikmet and Garib-nâme, which are among the earliest texts of Turkish literature, is dwelled on.

Himmet, Turkish, Arabic, Divan-ı Hikmet, Garibname.

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