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A Poet from Turkistan: Vâsıfî and Turkish Poems
In all the Turkish states established in history, scholars and craftsmen were supported by other statesmen, especially sultans. This situation, which has become a tradition in Turkish states, has caused many scholars and artists to grow and some cities have become centers of culture and civilization. Especially after the second half of the 15th century, the assemblies established under the leadership of Timurian sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara and his close friend and vizier Alî Şîr Nevâyî were effective in bringing Herat as a scientific, literary and cultural neighborhood. One of the important poets and prose writers who succeeded in meeting Alî Şîr Nevâyî at a young age and participating in his assemblies was Vâsıfî, from Herat. Vâsıfî gained the appreciation of many important state men, especially Nevâyî with his skill in writing and solving enigma, and became the wanted person of the assemblies. In the assemblies he had the chance to participate in, he shared with him various stories that he has seen and witnessed and listened to from others. In this article, information about Vâsıfî's life, art and works will be given and two Turkish poems which are included in the book named Bedâyi‘u’l-vekâyi‘ written in Persian at a time when Persian is used as literary language was introduced.

Vâsıfî, Bedâyi‘u’l-vekâyi‘, poetry, enigma, artistic prose.

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