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An Analysis on Bezm-i Fenâ in Divan Poetry
Aesthetic and theoretical principles of divan poetry formed by the influence of Islamic culture; XIV. century to a certain level, XV. It has completed its founding period and reached a high level of expression until the XIX century. The mazmun, metaphors and compositions, which are the content elements of Divan poetry, have been created by the poets of Divan literature in the framework of the existing possibilities and formed a unique meaning field. Again, the poet who is the so-called divan poet who is trying to tell the most beautiful thing in the most beautiful way has gone to find new analogies, mazmuns by not leaving real in the limited existence of words. The poet has benefited from the literary arts such as tenasüb, leffüşr, contrast, metaphor in the relation between the words, from associations to poetry. In poetry, with the attention to the fact that the meaning is the ground on which it is built, it is important to reveal the gaze of the magazines inside the divan poem, to identify the meaning circle, and to care for poetry contribution. In this study, which is prepared with the stated attention, "bezm-i fenâ", which is called as mazmun, the history of the use as mazmun, the meaning of the meaning, the meaning-context relation, and the meaning of this relationship. It is aimed to contribute to the understanding of divan poetry with the results obtained.

divan şiiri, mazmun, bezm, fenâ, anlam

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