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A Poet Who Improved and Transformed Tradition
Works of art, all of a society's values, culture is a particular form of aesthetic forms of expression. The poem, a branch of the arts are based on culture and aesthetic dimensions. Poetry, changes in society follows from a distance. Yahya Kemal is a poet who lived during change the value of Ottoman society, one side opened to innovation; the other side, were fed by a poem of our tradition. Eski Şiirin Rüzgarıyle is a poetry book which seen most of the effects in the classic tradition. In this study, we showed with Yahya Kemal's poetry and classical poetry's similarity and differences in his poem. We have demonstrated the effect of poetry to convert the existing images, and assigns its own unique image of the structure of the mindset.

Eski Şiirin Rüzgariyle, Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, clasiccal poetry, tradition, harmony.

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