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Text Reparation (Wises and Substances, Practices and Some Proposals)
Text publications still form the majority in the publications that is issued about the classical Turkish literature. Text publication naturally is a process that has a lot of problems from determining the main copy among various editions. A part of these problems is general, but other part of them is the specific problems about the text. One of the most remarkable sub-problem of text publication is formed by “text reparation”. Hitherto in the most of text publications, it is observed that the editors were oblivious to the text reparation subject. There is not such work about text reparation except from a little work by Ali Niad Tarlan which is prepared to show text reparation samples for university students. This article which has wises and subtances of the text reparation, some practises and some proposals about the subject is written with a hope to answer the purpose and to bring the ideas together about the text reparation.

Classical Turkish poem, text publication, text criticism, text reparation.

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