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A Mawlid Written in Paris: Misbahu’s-Salah
İbnü’r-Reşâd Ali Ferruh Bey (5 June 1865-19 October 1904), both a poet and a diplomat, is utilized within Mutavassıtîn (Mid Generaiton, Middlemans, Mediators, Moderators) group which remains in between The Tanzimât and Servet-i Funûn literature with respect to the sense of literature and with the works that they presented more between 1884-1896, they have a role in preparing the way for the sense of poem of Servet-i Funûn period. Beside his poems and articles that is published in newspapers and magazines, he left his mark on his time with his twenty works that is written as poetic and prosaic, ten of them is printed and the other ten is manuscript. In this article a mawlid that is not included in any mawlid literature named Mısbâhu’s-Salâh, written and published cursively by Ali Ferruh Bey in H. Rebîülevvel 1305/November-December 1887 in Paris, is introduced. After an introduction titled “Çünki” (Because) that mentions the progress related to writing process of the mawlid briefly, there are two parts in this mawlid, one of them is prosaic and the other one is poetic. In the prosaic part titled “Mukaddime”, a detailed explanation about Muhammad the prophet’s birth and ancestry is given. After this part that assisted with various historical resources, a 191-couplets-long poem à la mathnawi based on only Muhammad the prophet’s birth comes. In this part which of its eight couplets is cited from Süleyman Çelebi’s work named Vesîletü’n- Necât, it is impossible to see the fluency as in the Süleyman Çelebi’s mawlid. With this article it is revealed that the tradition of writing mawlids is not limited only with the regions that mostly Turks live, it is also continued in the regions that few Turks live.

Ali Ferruh, mawlid, Mısbahu’s-Salah, Muhammad the prophet, Paris, mathnawi, Karbala.

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