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The Appearance of Existence In Love Masnavis
When al-insan al-kamil is considered, we can say that every change and transformation in fact occur during a journey based on the fact that changes and transformations which are caused by the differences in both inward and outward. These transformations are positive for someone in order to acquire the ability to oppose the nafs. Yet, there are phases that determine the journey. Protagonist, the passenger, gains different identities in every phase of the journey and in the end reaches the quality of al-insan al-kamil. This study indicates that these processes of Sufism are connected to the relationship between lover and the beloved in many ways. In fact, their birth, childhood and even the time that they spent at school are evaluated by making connections to Sufism. The universe takes part in this process and the existence of the i

Vecd, mevcud, vücud, masnavi, passenger.

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