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The Tradition of “Refutation” in the Turkish Commentary (Sharh) Literature and The Example of Sudî-i Bosnevî There is a Critic in The Commentator
Turkish Commentary Literature, as an umbrella term, encompasses the commentary texts in which Persian- Arabic classics and sufic poetries are evaluated. Commentaries are invaluable resources not only because they provide invaluable insights and information about the original work, but they also provoke the emergence of literary discussions. Since 16th century, these discussions have led some commentators to criticize and refute other commentaries on a specific work. This literary tradition, which is called “refutation/reddiye”, enables the tracking of the competetive behaviour amongst various commentators by means of the “text”. One of the most important representatives of this tradition is Sudî-i Bosnevî, a 16th century commentator. Sudî, not only commented Gülistân, Bostân and Divan-ı Hafız but also criticized and refutated other commentators who commented the same works. The current article first discusses the tradition of refutation in the Turkish Commentary Literature and then describes Sudî’s understanding of refutation in terms of content and style by providing respective samples from his work.

Sudî, Commentary of Gülistân, Commentary of Bostân, Commentary of Divan-ı Hafız.

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