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An Evaluation on Edirneli Şevkî Divanı and Persian Poems of Şevkî
Divans, tazkiras and history boks provides important information to understand and interpret Ottoman Divan Literature. In these texts prominent names in their own periods are mostly evaluated by researchers who prepare these texts for publication. However we may categorize some poet/authors as second-class writers that they are not prominently preferred by tazkira writers and we can’t find too much information about them in these kind of books. When examined the works of these writers it is possible to see the perception of literature in their period. In this review article Edirneli Şevkî Divanı which published recently will be evaluated and will be focussed on Şevki’s style of poetry in his period. It is also important to introduce names like Şevkî in terms of showing up stylistic features of folk style in their poems as seen in Necati Bey’s style in this period. Şevkî’s style with folk style in his poems at the same time has an aesthetic aspect. At the end of article, there will be transcription writing of Persian poems in Divan.

Divan, Edirneli Şevkî, Persian poems.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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