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Bir Eskatoloji Miti olan Tufandan Klasik Türk Şiirinde Şarap Metaforuna
Classical Turkish literature, consists of an Islamic culture around, by reason of being a product of culture affected all cultural layers in the geography domain. We can say that many untitled myths and rituals in the Islamic culture, in terms of being focus of religions and civilizations of the geography of the Middle East and Anatolia. The culture revolve around Noah and his ship, an eschatology myth, continued to protect of the mythological meaning under conditions of varying religions and cultures. This interaction, is just as important and sensitive and can not pass renaming israiliyat or legend, refers to a number of meanings guided the universal school of mythology. Despite of the fact that the introduction of side by side of wine, a drink is prohibited in the religion of Islam, and Noah, is a prophet, frowned upon today, consists of rich a allegory in the context of the flood and Noah's ship, around nature of wine, the invention of the glass and the shape in classical Turkish literature. In this article, we will evaluate handling of narrative grown up around flood, found life in Islamic culture geography and were introduced in this culture as a result of round trips, context of the wine in the calical Turkish literature.

Eschatology, Noah and the flood, wine, classical Turkish poetry.

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